
Showing posts from May, 2022

nanite, lumen, texture-over

 Some quick UE5 notes and one texturing note. Nanite - doesn't work with transparent objects like glass. Shouldn't be used if there are lots of overlapping bits - like kit-bashed layered landscapes. Also, Nanite meshes do not render correctly with the Pathtracer - you must disable Nanite on the mesh if you intend to use pathtracer (otherwise the Nanite proxy is rendered, and it looks janky) Lumen - reflections are a bit crap. Might want to use ray-traced refls instead. However, you'll lose the GI in reflections. Texturing note - how to do "layer over" in UE. Use the LERP node and an alpha to "blend". This is kinda simple, but incredibly counterinutitive.