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nanite, lumen, texture-over

 Some quick UE5 notes and one texturing note. Nanite - doesn't work with transparent objects like glass. Shouldn't be used if there are lots of overlapping bits - like kit-bashed layered landscapes. Also, Nanite meshes do not render correctly with the Pathtracer - you must disable Nanite on the mesh if you intend to use pathtracer (otherwise the Nanite proxy is rendered, and it looks janky) Lumen - reflections are a bit crap. Might want to use ray-traced refls instead. However, you'll lose the GI in reflections. Texturing note - how to do "layer over" in UE. Use the LERP node and an alpha to "blend". This is kinda simple, but incredibly counterinutitive. 

full locomotion vr

A combination of these three youtube videos should get you decent full locomotion in Unreal, using the built in VR template. The key parts to remember with the pawn -  -set the auto-possess. -disconnect the teleport stuff (unless using!)  -use the camera forward vector if you want to move which way you're facing rather than the "real" forward. -set your collisions on any colliders. "block all" probably best for any walls or immovable objects. Not entirely sure why the stairs or template floor has no collision setting. Might be in blueprints? Decided to take a few screenshots of the pawn's Blueprint, just in case those videos vanish. The rotation snapping is as follows - And the free movement is here- Also changing the class inheritance to Character -  And disconnecting the teleport related scripts, but keepi...